Walk Talks With Matt McMillen

Can You Walk Away From Being a Christian? (1-26-25)

Matt McMillen Episode 282

Topics: Walk Away From Being Christian, Born Again Meaning (John 3:7), Permanency of Spiritual Rebirth, John 3, Jesus’ Conversation with Nicodemus, Flesh vs. Spirit Birth, Finality of Being Born Again, Belief Grants Spiritual Birth, Grace vs. Works for Salvation, Role of Faith in Salvation, Misunderstanding Salvation as Works, James vs. Paul on Salvation, Legalism in the Church, Misuse of “even the demons believe” (James 2:19), Role of Holy Spirit in Rebirth, Leaving Church System but Not God, Tradition of Men vs. True Christianity, Broken System of Man-Made Religion, Criticisms of Box Church Practices, Misrepresenting Jesus in Churches, Why Works Don’t Determine Salvation, Problem of Mixing the Covenants, Grace Replaced Law, Trusting Jesus for Salvation, Misconceptions About Repentance, Why Sin Can’t Undo Salvation, God’s Forgiveness of All sins, Once-for-All Sacrifice of Christ, Performance Based Faith Error, True Salvation vs. Church Participation, Understanding Spiritual DNA, Apostasy, Role of Cross in Salvation, Jesus’ Fulfillment of the Law, How Salvation Is a Gift, Comparing Spiritual and Physical Birth, Trusting Grace Over Effort, Why Christians leave Religious Systems, Damage of Pastoral Abuse, False teachings in Churches, Simplicity of Belief, Problem With Church Hierarchy, Walking Away From Tradition, Walking Away From Religious System 

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