Walk Talks With Matt McMillen
Take a walk with Matt McMillen as he talks about your freedom in Christ.
Walk Talks With Matt McMillen
5 Lies About the Flesh (4-14-24)
Topics: The Flesh, Sarx, Flesh, Soma, Sinful Nature, NIV Mistake, The Flesh is Not You, The Flesh is Not Your Flesh, Three-Letter Word t-h-e, Adam and Eve Didn’t Need a Sinful Nature to Sin, Don’t Need Sinful Nature to Sin, Christians Sin Without Sinful Nature, Divine Nature, NIV Changed Sinful Nature Back to the Flesh, Most-Read Translation, Two Natures, Sharpie Line Through Sinful Nature, Spirit is Willing the Flesh is Weak, Matthew 26:41, Prooftext to Claim Your Body is Weak, Prooftext to Say You Can’t Trust Your Body, His Own Body Became Sarx, We Were in Him and We Were in the Flesh, He Became Sin and the Flesh, God Sent His Son in the Likeness of Sinful Flesh to be a Sin Offering, Romans 8:3-4, Jesus Condemned Sin in the Flesh to Meet Righteous Requirements of the Law, Perfection, Not About Your Spirit Fighting Your Weak Flesh, Jesus’ Spirit is Willing to go to the Cross to Prove the Flesh is Weak, Greatest Challenge Not Your Flesh, Tell Baby Their Flesh is Their Challenge, Greatest Challenge is Understanding Grace of God and Our New Identity, Demonic Forces Want You to Have a Civil War With Your Own Body, Your Flesh Wants to do Things Against God, The Flesh Does Not Your Flesh, God Crated Your Flesh to Have Wants, Lust of the Flesh, 1 John 2:16, Mind Governed by the Flesh is Death, Mind Governed by the Spirit is Life, Romans 8:6, We Have the Mind of Christ, 1 Corinthians 2:16, Your Flesh is an Instrument of Righteousness, Romans 6:13, Desires of Your Flesh Against Desires of the Spirit, Galatians 5:17, For the Flesh Desires what is Contrary to the Spirit and the Spirit Contrary to the Flesh, Capital S, They Are in Conflict With Each Other, You Don’t Do What You Want, Those Who Belong to Christ Have Crucified the Flesh With Its Desires, Galatians 5:24, Can’t Crucify Yourself, Since We Live By the Spirit Let Us Keep in Step With the Spirit, Romans 7, Proof of Sinful Nature, Sin in Our Flesh, Must Fight Our Flesh, Miserable Man, Romans 6:14, Sin Will No Longer be Your Master, Sin in His Members, Hamartia, Power of Sin, No Condemnation in Christ, Romans 8:1, Set Free From Sin and Death, Romans 8:2, Flesh is Blameless, 1 Thessalonians 5:23, Knit Together in Mother’s Womb by God, Psalm 139:13, Temple of Holy Spirit, 1 Corinthians 3:16 & 6:19, Care for Your body Like Christ Cares for Church, Ephesians 5:29, Your Flesh is a Masterpiece
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