Walk Talks With Matt McMillen

Why You Should Honor Your Own Boundaries (3-24-24)

Matt McMillen Episode 240

Topics: Boundaries, Church Without Boundaries, Boundaries Vilified, Poor Treatment, Abuse, Religious Abuse, Verbal and Emotional Abuse, Poor Treatment Encouraged, Reveal Poor Treatment of Those Treating Others Poorly, Matthew 5, Sermon on the Mount, Eye for Eye, Tooth for Tooth, Turn Your Cheek, Anger is Same as Murder, God Doesn’t Treat You Poorly, God of All Comfort, 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, He Comforts Us So We Can Comfort Others, The Comforter, John 14:26, John 15:26, God Doesn’t Cause Pain, God Isn’t Two-Faced, Every Good and Perfect Gift, James 1:17, Peace With God Because of Jesus, Romans 5:1, Saved From Wrath of God Because of Jesus, Romans 5:9, Goodness and Kindness of God, Romans 2:4, Our Immense Value to God, God So Loved the World, John 3:16, Jesus Gave His Life for You, You Are Valuable, When Someone Doesn’t See Your Value they Won’t Honor Your Boundaries, Honor Your Own Boundaries, As Long as It Depends on Your Live at Peace with Everyone, Romans 12:18, Peacemaker at Heart, Others Don’t See Your Value, Results of Allowing Boundary Crossing, Shame, Fear, Anxiety, Worry, Addictions, What Is a Boundary, Boundaries Don’t Control Others, Encourage Self-Control, Where You Begin and Others End, This Works for Me and This Doesn’t, No Is a Full Sentence, Established on Love, Love for Others and Yourself, And Yourself, Boundaries are Not Ultimatums, What you Will Allow in Your Life and What you Won’t, Boundaries are Not Disrespectful, Not Walls, See-Through Fences with Gates, Give you Dignity and Self-Respect, Boundaries are Helpful not Harmful, Protect Your Value, Removes Trash Through the Gate, What You Can Control, Can’t Control Something Means to Honor Your Own Boundaries, Boundaries Bring Your Closer to People Not Further Away, Attacks and Pulling Away Clear Sign Boundary Was Necessary, Those Who Value You Take Boundaries to Heart, Consider Them as Important and Listen, Those who Don’t Value You Gaslight and Project Mean Image, What Boundaries Will You Honor for Yourself, Addiction Recovery Boundaries, Boundaries with People Living in Your Home, Boundaries With Your Marriage, Social Media Boundaries, Messaging Boundaries, Employer Boundaries, Employee Boundaries, Addicted Relative Boundaries, Addicted Spouse Boundaries, Spending Time with Loved Ones Boundaries, Reciprocating Effort to be Involved with You Boundaries, Legalistic Relative Boundaries, Meddling Parents and In-Laws Boundaries, Sexual Needs Boundaries, Safe People Encourage Boundaries, Unsafe People Attack and Reject Your Boundaries, Unsafe People Take no Accountability for Crossing Boundaries, Triangulate to Validate, Attacks Meant to Get You to No Longer Have Boundaries, Unsafe People Benefit From You Not Having Boundaries, Refocus on Immense Value, Boundaries Cause Divorce and Estrangement with Unsafe People, Personally Socially and at Church, Pain of Ignoring Boundaries is Worse, Your Life Matters, Your Mental Health Matters, Your Workload Matters, Your Stress Level Matters, You Matter, You’re Valuable, The Cross Proves Your Value, 39 Lashes Because 40 Killed, Thorns in Skull, Beaten Scourged Spat On Punched, Nailed to Cross Because of Your Value, See Yourself as God Sees You, Valuable

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