Walk Talks With Matt McMillen
Take a walk with Matt McMillen as he talks about your freedom in Christ.
Walk Talks With Matt McMillen
5 Lies About Jesus Washing Feet (2-18-24)
Topics: John 13:1-17, Foot Washing, Repent of Sins, He Gets Us, Feet Washing in Old Testament, Ceremonial Washing, Humility and Servanthood, Luke 7:36-50, John 12:1-8, Exodus 30, Rest and Let Jesus Serve you, Serve One Another, Repeated Washing for Forgiveness, You are Clean, Except for His Feet, 1 Corinthians 6:11, You Were Washed, Judas Peter Thomas and John’s Sinning, Ministry of the Pharisees, Ministry of Reconciliation, 2 Corinthians 3:6, 2 Corinthians 5, Competent to Minister the New Covenant, Not of the Letter but of the Spirit, Persuade Others With Christ’s Love, Christ’s Ambassadors, Be Reconciled, The Will of the Father, Judas Betraying Jesus was the Will of the Father, John 6 29,40, To Believe In His Son, Condoning Sin, Affirming Sin, Only Serve Those Who Don’t Sin, Committed to People who Sin, Cooked Peter Breakfast, Give Your Life to Jesus, The Sheep Scattered, Zechariah Prophecy, We Had No Life, Born in Adam, Romans 5, Christ’s Life, Colossians 3:3-4, Go And Sin No More, None of Disciples Went and Sinned No More, 1 John 2:1-2, If Anyone Does Sin, The Woman Sinned Again, Grace of God Teaches Us How To Live Holy, John 3:17, Jesus Does Not Condemn But Save, Remove The Log From Your Eye, Be Great By Serving One Another, John 15, I No Longer Call You Servants But Friends, Express Christ, Wash the Feet of Friends and Foes, Lue 14, Count the Cost, Matthew 10, Jesus Didn’t Bring Peace But a Sword
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