Walk Talks With Matt McMillen
Take a walk with Matt McMillen as he talks about your freedom in Christ.
Walk Talks With Matt McMillen
10 Facts About the Blood of Jesus (Part 2) (12-10-23)
Topics: The Blood of Jesus, Genesis 4, Cain and Abel, Hebrews 11, Without Faith It’s Impossible to Please God, Hebrews 4:10-11, Rest from Work Just as God Did, Strive to Enter Rest, Sacrifice Offered by Faith, Persecuted for Focusing on Blood not Works, Burnt Offerings, Sacrifices He has not Desired, Conscience Cleansed, Hebrews 9, Repeated Animal Blood Cleansing Vs. Once-for-all Cleansing of the Blood of Jesus, Plead the Blood, Blood Already Pleaded, Make Emotional Appeal, Present Your Argument, Plead Your Case, Stop With Animal Blood Argument, Trust Eternal Spirit of Jesus, Presented His Blood Once, Wash Yourself in His Blood, Washed By the Blood, Jews Went to Temple Didn’t Wash in Blood but Presented it, Cleansed Conscience of Past Year of Sinning According to the Law, Covered in His Blood, Sins not Covered but Propitiated, Wrath of God, Coming Wrath, Wrath Over Sin, Romans 5:9, Blood Purchased You, Matthew 26:28, Ephesians 1:7, Bought With a Price, You Are Not Your Own, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Redeemed Means Purchased, Power Over the Devil, Revelation 12:11, Overcame Him by the Blood of the Lamb, Perfect and Complete, False Humility, Hebrews 10:14, Priests and Animal Blood Could Never Perfect Them. Jesus and His Blood Did Because Both Are Perfect, Complete, Colossians 2:9-10, Chief of Sinners
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